15th Century Paris

Seems that Dennis Callan has a new twist and is now appearing in his travel videos.

Paris walk to ille St Louis: We cross the Seine at Pont de la Tournelle to Ile St. Louis, in the middle of the river. This island is like a small quiet village in the midst of the city, with some of the oldest shops and mansions, and the best ice cream at Berthillon.
Just a beautiful place with one main narrow street down the middle – it's kind of a pedestrian street. There are a few cars going by, but you are safe walking down the middle, just keep your ears open for the cars that will show up. Lovely shops along the way – there's wine stores, cheese shops, flower shops, a couple of little hotels. It's isolated from the rest of Paris by the river, being on an island in the river, and there is very little automobile traffic here. There are no Metro stations at all on the island so you do have to walk up cross a bridge to the mainland to get the Metro – it's not that far – it's really fairly convenient. It's a good place to stay in one of the little hotels. There are 3 or 4 charming small hotels on the ill St Louis. It's a quiet peaceful spot with a lot of atmosphere.

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